Sunday, October 30, 2011

Flecks of Gold

Cute Pooch Sticks Tongue at Everyone

" . . . I speak unto you these things for your profit and learning; for there is a God, and he hath created all things, both the heavens and the earth, and all things that in them are, both things to act and things to be acted upon."  2 Nephi 2:14
I met this character while getting my hair done by Emily on Saturday.  She is ready for Halloween with the black and orange feathers in her hair.  Her owner says this is a normal pose for her.  Why not follow her example and enjoy tasting the world around you?  Or, maybe she is "thumbing" her tongue at the human shenanigans she observes?  No, she really wasn't doing a raspberry at us (no noise).  Don't forget, taste is good for some things but don't eat it all!  Oh, and going around with your tongue hangin' out may not be my best advice.

The Living Prophet Today

Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.  
  --Amos 3:7

"And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets . . . "  Ephesians 4:11
Links to know more about prophets: Read a definition:
Prophets of the restoration:
Church organization:
Meet today's prophets and apostles:
The Dee Events Center does look like a giant flying saucer that has just landed at the base of the mountains.  It has purple seats inside because Weber State University's colors are purple and white.  I wore purple today so I could blend in while we listened to the speakers for our multi-stake meeting for our Sabbath Day treat (this does not happen very often as we usually meet in our local building for Sunday services).
Today was stake conference with eight combined stakes (stakes are a geographic area that contains a large number of individual wards (wards are congregations, usually around 250-300 members on average).  Since there isn't a building large enough to accommodate that many people, we met at the Dee Events Center in Ogden, Utah.  It is estimated 100,000 members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints heard the president and prophet of the Church, Thomas S. Monson, speak.  Some of that number were in buildings to watch the live broadcast where it was too far for them to drive to Ogden.  Living in Utah gives us the privilege of seeing the Church leaders in person more often, though the prophet, apostles, and other leaders in the Church do travel world wide to speak and uplift members.  Live broadcasts were appreciated in England while we were there.  It is the next best thing to being there in person.
President Thomas S. Monson smiling at a recent general conference held in Salt Lake City
The prophet's main message was to find the lost sheep and bring them back into the fold.  His message was similar to the one in this link:  Apparently, his concerns are the same as the Savior's when he was on the earth.  God. the Father, and his Son, Jesus Christ have the same priority now for saving those who have let go of their faith and left the path that would bring the back to their heavenly home.

One of the speakers today was our own past Huntsville Stake president, Elder Marlin Jensen, now Church Historian, of the first quorum of the seventy (an office in Church leadership).  He and his wife still live in our area, and he commutes to Salt Lake City church headquarters.

The other speakers were Rosemary M. Wixom, General Primary President (over the children's programs in the Church) . . .
. . . and Elder Neil L. Anderson of the quorum of the twelve apostles. 
Words of counsel from our speaks in a nutshell are as follows:

  *There is a price to be paid to live close to the Holy Ghost so we can receive guidance in our lives.

  *Weigh the reasons Not to believe and the reasons TO believe.  Choose to believe and the Holy Ghost will let you know the truth.

  *Honestly seeking to keep the commandments is good enough as we strive to live all of the commandments.  No one is perfect, but we need to have the desire in our hearts and at least be making every effort to live righteously.

  *Ask ourselves, "What do we need to forsake in our lives so we have the time to be with our children and to teach them?"  We must help bring light and truth to our children

  *Trust in the Lord with all our hearts.  He never leaves us.

  *Whom the Lord calls, he qualifies.  He is there to support us when we are on His errand (doing his work).

  *Separate our needs and wants.

  *Don't allow yearnings exceed earnings.

  *Don't allow yesterday's luxuries become today's necessities.

  *Care for the one and never postpone a prompting to go to someone or help someone.

On Saturday night, at the adults' stake conference meeting, we were counseled to be aware of the "wakes" we make that affect others.  Do we have a positive impact of delight and pleasure in others' lives, or are we an irritation because of our negativity?

We were told to seek the "flecks of gold" in others (see previous You Tube post today) and have charity towards others, building them up and serving them.  Do small and simple acts of service to meet the needs of others.  Even small things make a difference.

Another speaker shared her experience of losing her daughter to brain cancer and how her children and husband handled it with faith.  Her daughter was a very positive person who worked at lifting others.  The mantra she had posted on her mirror was something like this one found on the link below:

There's so much we can learn from others.  What gifted and loving people we find in this world!  I am very grateful for the blessings people bring into my life with the wisdom and experiences they share, and the great examples of courage and faith demonstrated by so-called ordinary people everywhere.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

This Blog's Title & My Beliefs

Beauty captured yesterday in Logan, Utah on the Logan Temple grounds.
Why, might you ask that the title of this blog is not catchy or cutsie or very original?  I could have named it "Hope, Happiness, and Faith," which has a certain ring to it.  It could have read more poetically like, "Faith, Hope, and Happiness," since faith is the first principle of the gospel.  Without faith in something, is a person immobilized or doomed to depression?  Faith isn't necessarily only a religion thing, though building faith in God is the intent of my blog.  I cannot assume that only through faith in God can someone be happy or have hope, though I believe that eternal happiness--forever happiness--is only achieved in and through faith in Jesus Christ and living as he has asked.

Happiness:  The happiness piece of this blog is for anyone, Christian or not, seeking a tidbit to help the day along or to get an uplift in some way.  It may bring a higher degree of happiness to someones life if he or she is inspired, educated, or motivated by something that is shared herein.  My wish is that my writings will bring warmth to individual hearts, illumination to minds, and brightness to everyone's outlook.

I believe that without faith in the fact that I am a child of God, that Jesus Christ really did what is recorded in the scriptures, and without knowing in my heart He lives and I can trust him to do what he says he will do when we keep his commandments, I would have no happiness or hope in life.  There would be no purpose to live.  There would be no plan to bring eternal joy.  Faith is God is essential to my physical and spiritual survival.  Clinging to my faith provides the strength I need to cope with life's trials.
Plants and flower bring me happiness.
Faith: I acknowledge that there are many happy people without faith in a Christian God. Some choose to believe in a higher power or many different kinds of God and they report having peace and happiness in their lives. Some have never heard of a Heavenly Father or of His Son, Jesus Christ, who suffered, bled, and died (giving up his life voluntarily) and had the power within him to be resurrected, thereby conquering physical death. Because he loved us so much, he did this so every living thing that dies (humans, plants, animals--every thing) may live as immortal beings someday. There are those who say they are happy in choosing NOT to believe this or in anything else for that matter. They say this life is all there is, so make the best of it--eat, drink, and be merry and all that. 
A person has the right to believe whatever they like. I do respect the beliefs of others because I believe in free agency as the gift God gave us to choose for ourselves.

The 11th Article of Faith of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints states: "We claim the privilege of worshipping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may."

I have faith in truth that has been revealed and know there is a purpose for this life beyond this earth.  I know our spirits do not die and that our bodies will be resurrected and reunited with our spirits when we become immortal beings.  I know we will live forever and that we have a choice as to where we will live.  I have faith that by living the commandments, repenting of my sins each day, and keeping my faith that I can be with God, Jesus Christ, and all my faithful family members forever.
My photo art effects with the moon's light providing a path to our home across the water.
Hope:  We all need hope that life, for the most part, will be good.  We need to believe during hard times that things will get better--that they'll work out somehow.  Having hope means we expect a future where our everyday efforts are rewarded--that our work and struggles are worth it.  

I have a perfect brightness of hope that if I keep my faith in Jesus Christ, I will obtain the greatest happiness and peace in this life and the most marvelous, joyful life imaginable throughout eternity.
Looking out over Cache Valley, Utah, from Logan Temple grounds 
The scriptures below bring me happiness, faith, and hope because these scriptures tell me God is the same yesterday, tomorrow, and forever.  He does not forget any of us, his children.  He does not leave us without guidance and hope.

Know ye not that there are more nations than one?  Know ye not that I, the Lord your god, have created all men, and that I remember those who are upon the isles of the sea; and that I rule in the heavens above and in the earth beneath; and I bring forth my word unto the children of men, yea, even upon all the nations of the earth?  Wherefore murmur ye, because that ye shall receive more of my word?  Know ye not that the testimony of two nations is a witness unto you that I am God, that I remember one nation like unto another?  Wherefore, I speak the same words unto one nation like unto another.  And when the two nations shall run together the testimony of the two nations shall run together also.  
  --2 Nephi 29:7-8

For my soul delighteth in plainness; for after this manner doth the Lord God work among the children of men.  For the Lord God giveth light unto the understanding; for he speaketh unto men according to their own language, unto their understanding.  
  --2 Nephi 31:3

". . . for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea."
    --2 Nephi 30:15

  --2 Nephi 31:3-6
I love to see the temples . . .

Eternal Life--The Ultimate Success

Behold, this is my work and my glory--to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.
  --The Lord God (Moses 1:39)

Yes, there are still roses in Utah.  We found this one yesterday at the Logan Temple.
A cute sign in the temple parking lot.
I had forgotten how much the Logan Temple looks like a castle--fit for  our Heavenly King.
Writing about success is a topic most of us are interested in, right?  By human nature, we all want to feel like we've accomplished something in life that is deemed worthwhile.  Success is measured in many ways and differently depending on individual circumstances.
The people in Turkey right now consider finding anyone alive a success.  The world rejoices along with them as news proclaims another one rescued.  We pray for their welfare and for blessings to comfort them and give them strength to cope.  It is heart wrenching to see their plight amongst such tragic suffering and their struggles under the most horrific of conditions.  Their success is not measured by comparing to the total number of people they couldn't save, but by those they did.  We might remember that when we start looking at what we accomplish based on what someone else may.

Below are quotes I like about the topic of success:

In order to succeed, we must first believe we can.  
  --Michael Korda

Success is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration. 
  --Thomas Edison

To succeed it is necessary to accept the world as it is and rise above it.  
  --Michael Korda

In all things success depends on previous preparation and without such preparation there is sure to be failure.

The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.
  --Vince Lombardi

Success is:

  *To laugh often and much;

  *To win the respect of intelligent people and affection of children;

  *To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;

  *To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others;

  *To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition;

  *To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.

We rise to high positions or remain at the bottom because of conditions we can control if we desire to control them.
  --David Bruno

My success list might be a little different than Mr. Bruno's above, though I do agree with most of his definition and especially the quotes that refer to the work and extreme effort we do have to invest if we are to attain success.  Below is my list, some tweaked a bit from the list above.

Success is:

  *To laugh often and much most certainly in the spirit of fun and happiness and never at the expense of another;
  *To love much;
  *To do the best you can within your personal circumstances;

  *To win the respect of all people with whom you come in contact, not just those who are intelligent;

  *To nurture a sense of belonging and self worth in children;

  *To build trust that you are a friend, unconditionally, who does not judge and are there to call upon when needed, no matter the circumstances;

  *To influence others for good, to provide positive uplifts in their days, and a light to their existence;
  *To overcome or endure in faith illnesses, heartache, sorrow, and other trials and challenges in life;

  *To see beauty in God's creations, expressing thanks to Him each day;
  *To leave the earth a better place by doing no harm and helping others on their way;

  *To redeem one soul (even if it is your own) through faith, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of 
the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end in faithfulness by keeping God's commandments.

We rise to the highest degree of glory, as promised by our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, when we seek first the Kingdom of God and all righteousness, by loving and serving God and our neighbors.  When we do the things we know Christ did while on the earth and try to be like Him as best as we can, we will know we have succeeded in life by helping God fulfill His goal to bring to pass the eternal life of man.
Logan Temple facing west

Study in contrast:  This leaf has successfully captured a last bouquet of the season.
We passed by the Brigham City Temple on the way home from Logan.  The outside is successfully completed.  It has the landscaping and the inside left to do.  I think it will open  next year.  The other steeple seen to the right is the tabernacle meeting house.

Ercell had success finding farm grown tomatoes at this stand.  It was fun driving along the highway between Brigham City and Perry and seeing all the fruit stands.  It got us into the Halloween spirit with thousands of pumpkins strewn out in front and displayed in huge bins.  Fall colors of yellow, orange, and red dominated the scene.  These white pumpkins are interesting.  Do people paint them orange?  A white Jack-o-Lantern?  Apparently, this was a successful year for growing pumpkins and other produce.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Home in Ogden Valley--Beautiful Fall Colors

After returning from the mission and ending the mission blog, I debated on whether to do another blog and finally decided today that I may still share what brings me joy in life in hopes it may also brighten a day or lighten a load for someone.  The orange colors do not seem as brilliant as they have been in other seasons, but here are some pictures of what we're enjoying.
Ah , yes, the good life comes as we enjoy our surroundings and the spectacular beauty in whatever corner of the world we happen to be.  Our home is across the water, left of the shiny white things on the right.  The very tip of the yellow tree on the left is pointing towards three green trees.  We sit between the second and third tree, a little left of the center of this photo.
"The good life is a process, not a state of being.  It is a direction, not a destination."
     --Carl Rogers

"We can have eternal life if we want it, but only if there is nothing else we want more."
   --Bruce C. Hafen, "The Atonement:  All for All,"  Ensign, May 2004, 98 
(find full article on

"And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent."
  --St. John 17:3

People in England are asking what our home looks like and the area in which we live, so this post is for them and for everyone who hasn't been to Utah, or has not been driving in the mountains to see the fall colors.

Yes, we all have seasons in our lives.  Some may not be as delightful as others.  All our seasons must be lived no matter what comes our way.  

In the process of our living, we are becoming, by our good choices, someone God wants us to become or, by our poor choices, someone less than what we are meant to be.  (Watch the Lion King this season and listen carefully when Simba is told he has become less than he is supposed to become.)

In order to reach our own fullest potential while on this earth, we have to gain knowledge of how to work in the right direction to achieve it.  We can become someone beyond our wildest expectations because we are sons and daughters of God.  We are heirs to an eternal birthright.  The scriptures are the source of how to get on the strait and narrow path that leads to eternal life.

If you think things on this earth are beautiful, just try to imagine what Heaven will be like.  This is but a small taste of much more marvelous and glorious things to come.