Monday, October 24, 2011

Home in Ogden Valley--Beautiful Fall Colors

After returning from the mission and ending the mission blog, I debated on whether to do another blog and finally decided today that I may still share what brings me joy in life in hopes it may also brighten a day or lighten a load for someone.  The orange colors do not seem as brilliant as they have been in other seasons, but here are some pictures of what we're enjoying.
Ah , yes, the good life comes as we enjoy our surroundings and the spectacular beauty in whatever corner of the world we happen to be.  Our home is across the water, left of the shiny white things on the right.  The very tip of the yellow tree on the left is pointing towards three green trees.  We sit between the second and third tree, a little left of the center of this photo.
"The good life is a process, not a state of being.  It is a direction, not a destination."
     --Carl Rogers

"We can have eternal life if we want it, but only if there is nothing else we want more."
   --Bruce C. Hafen, "The Atonement:  All for All,"  Ensign, May 2004, 98 
(find full article on

"And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent."
  --St. John 17:3

People in England are asking what our home looks like and the area in which we live, so this post is for them and for everyone who hasn't been to Utah, or has not been driving in the mountains to see the fall colors.

Yes, we all have seasons in our lives.  Some may not be as delightful as others.  All our seasons must be lived no matter what comes our way.  

In the process of our living, we are becoming, by our good choices, someone God wants us to become or, by our poor choices, someone less than what we are meant to be.  (Watch the Lion King this season and listen carefully when Simba is told he has become less than he is supposed to become.)

In order to reach our own fullest potential while on this earth, we have to gain knowledge of how to work in the right direction to achieve it.  We can become someone beyond our wildest expectations because we are sons and daughters of God.  We are heirs to an eternal birthright.  The scriptures are the source of how to get on the strait and narrow path that leads to eternal life.

If you think things on this earth are beautiful, just try to imagine what Heaven will be like.  This is but a small taste of much more marvelous and glorious things to come.

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