Sunday, January 29, 2012

Babies and Pets Are Happy Makers

2011 and 2012 are dubbed "The Years of the Great Grandchild," mainly because there were seven born to add to the two already here.  There are two more on the way in the next couple of months.  That will be a total of 11!  To honor their privacy, I won't post names.  Their parents can do that if they want.  Below are two boys and a girl.  Two more girls are on the way, so the girls are winning.

Our little 49er and my oldest daughter's dog on the right--always smiling.

The youngest daughter's "kids," so these are my granddogs.

This is Outlaw, raised from birth by my oldest daughter.  He thinks he is human.  Judging by the super metal, locking padlocks on their freeze and fridge, he's conquered the baby locks.

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