Monday, April 8, 2013

Discovering and Radiating a Fuller Potential

My sun catcher radiating what light it has even on a cloudy day.

A few years ago, my oldest daughter gave me a sun catcher.  I hung it from a bird feeder pole and attached it to our deck where it could swing freely and catch the sun.  It was delightful to watch, but it blew around and knocked into the pole when the wind was strong.  To keep it from getting scratched and dented, I brought it in on stormy or windy days.

Today, I looked out the kitchen window and saw the sun catcher blowing in the gentle breeze and noticed it has a tiny hole in the bottom, which I realized would be a way to stabilized it in the wind and get the most enjoyment out of the pattern that twirled and threw sun reflections off its specially designed surface.  I had not been getting the most out of the intended purpose of my treasured sun catcher!  Why hadn't I noticed the way to anchor it before?  My eyes and brain were surely not open to the possibility.

Life is much like my sun catcher.  We go along merrily (or not so merrily, depending on the day and our circumstances) not seeing the possibilities to get the most out of each day and to give our best within the time we are allocated.  We may have the possibility of reflecting talents, wisdom, light, knowledge, compassion, service, and other such things outwards to others, but we haven't discovered our potential or discovered how to do these things.

The only way to know how to give and get the most joy in this world is to live in a way that helps us recognize there are guidelines that can help us see and know what our purpose is and how to fulfill it.  Just as my sun catcher now radiates more brightly, and is not being blown about at the whim of the wind, I can be anchored in truth and righteousness, trying with all my might to follow our Savior, Jesus Christ, and keep his commandments.  Commandments do not keep us tied down, restricted, or hampered in any way, but rather they help us become a bright light to reflect the Son and all he taught.

I am grateful to know that all of us are progressing and learning every day of our lives.  I realize that all knowledge is not available in one place at one time, but becomes available as I strive to learn and recognize truths.  It may seem like an ignorant thing that I was unaware for years that my sun catcher had a higher purpose and more effective way to function, but eventually I saw what was needed.  That's the way my life has been thus far.  A little learning here and a little insight there.  Improvement takes time.  Perhaps this little example will help me better understand human progression on earth.  Patience with ourselves and others, and where we are at the moment, is a good thing.  

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