Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Trust Jesus Christ's Words


                                                 Liz Lemmon Swindle, artist.  

Many people seem to be losing faith and replacing activity and accumulating things in search of happiness.  If our foundation is not set in Jesus Christ, there is no hope in the temporary things of this world.  So much is unfair with the disparity we find when we compare the standard of living to even the poor here in the United States to many people who live in Liberia, for instance.  I cannot understand why some people must live in difficult situations.  Whenever I have questions like this, the only comfort I get is having faith in God's plan that all will be okay in the end.  Everyone who suffered more than others will be rewarded a hundred-fold or more--whatever will make us all equal for the joy He promises us after this earth life ends.  When I don't understand something, I have only faith to fall back on to believe He created this world and He loves each of us equally so He knows what He is doing.

Jesus Christ tells us that all of us will be reclaimed and none will be lost.  He promises He is watching over us and He says He will go before us and smooth the way and He will also be our rear guard.  (Isaiah 52:12 and Doctrine and Covenants 49:27).  He promises He will be in our midst.  We can get through anything, live under any  circumstance, if we keep our faith alive in Him.

Yet, people are drawing back from religion and walking away.  Being religious requires too much effort they say.  To maintain spiritual strength, a person does have to study scriptures, pray, and keep the commandments.  It is work to maintain and increase faith.  Faith must be nourished or it becomes weak or even dies.  On the other hand, we can become too comfortable in our faith and cease to build it by participating in it.  In Hebrews, we read that we, the faithful, are not of them that draw back but of them that believe.  When times get tough, we cannot be those who give up on our hope and faith in better things to come as promised by our Savior.

Some people tell me that they feel closer to God by being in nature than going to a religious service.  I'm glad for them.  They are doing an individual thing to connect to Him.  I realize these people are receiving something from this practice but what are they giving?

In order to give, we have to reach out to others by gathering together to encourage and strengthen each other in faith.  This is why there is organized religion.  People have a place where they can feel they belong.  They can edify one another and worship together as one body in Christ.  He set up His Church because He knew this was necessary to keep His fold secure in faith and provide a way for spiritual growth.  We truly are stronger together.  Some people can stay faithful alone but there are many more who need others to shore them up and keep them going.  We need to do what Jesus Christ did.  Serve, love, have charity, and reach out to share wisdom and encouragement.

How can anyone live without faith and hope?  What is there to look forward to after the toil and trials of life?  Life seems too short for nothingness in the end.

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