Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Best Christmas Gift

Note:  This is a blog post I wrote for Christmas in 2011 on our mission blog.  I hope it is worth repeating as a reminder how simple it is to follow Jesus Christ’s example by giving a priceless gift that is within everyone’s capabilities—your love.
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Reflecting on past holiday seasons, and all the years gone by, I am more aware of the truths the Savior taught concerning his wish that each of us cherish and love one another.

The worth of your soul is great in the sight of God.  “Ah,” you might say in all humility, “I am nothing.”  Oh, but you are something!  You are loving as you are living and thus you are able to bestow the greatest gift to others.  This helps other people to know the truth of their own great worth.

The innate goodness and caring, the warmth extended from one human being to another, is something to be cherished above all things in this world because it brings what is needed most by human beings.

May you and your loved ones feel an inner peaceful fulfillment knowing that you are giving the most, the ultimate best there is to give to others as you love, serve, and reach out in whatever way you can.

May you have a deep abiding respect for the fact that the love you give is enough.  No costly presents or showy, elaborate performances are necessary when someone else knows how much he or she is loved. Value who you are, along with all other living things.  No one has to be rich or famous to be “someone.”  Know that you are famously fulfilling your purpose on this earth when you are loving others.  Celebrate life and love!

May you have enlightenment in seeing, comfort in feeling, sweet ecstasy in breathing, joy in hearing, and the wonderful taste of happiness in purely living life the best you can.

May you have time to find and experience the treasures all around you in people, places, and things.

May you experience even more of an abundance of love throughout the coming New Year.  Simply love with all you have.  Love is the one thing that can bring peace in the world, triumph over adversity, lend abiding hope, and heal lonely or sorrowing hearts.

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