Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Photos of Ice Welcoming Christmas to Ogden Valley

"I will rejoice over them to do them good . . ."  Jeremiah 32:41

This Christmas . . . 
Rediscover His love for you in all your fondest memories . . .  seek His peace in all your hopes and dreams . . .  Hear His voice in the laughter of loved ones and the greetings of strangers . . . for each new day is His gift to you and those whose lives you touch.

It is murky downtown in Ogden with an inversion that should lift tomorrow with the snow storm coming in.  The sun was out in Ogden Valley until I started driving down the canyon.  As I headed to town to do a couple errands, I noticed waves in the lake were splashing against the ice.  It looked so beautiful that I turned around to go back and get a picture.  As I got out of the truck, the wind about knocked me over!  It was bitter cold, but there was a crashing sound as the water hit the ice and broke it up on the edges.  It was fun to watch.  Nature is so marvelous and gorgeous.  There's always a surprised catch of the breath and an uttered "awww," around some corner or over a hill.
Looking through the trees at the "waves"
This may not look as dramatic as I described it, but when you don't live by the ocean, even tiny waves are exciting.
The water will soon be all frozen and the ice fishermen will be camped out in their little huts.  It means the bald eagles will be leaving too, since they won't be able to fish.
Frozen "waves"
Oh!  Look how this cow is dressed for the holidays!
Okay, so it isn't the real thing, but it is cute.

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