Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Pray, Then Work

And it came to pass that after I had prayed and labored with all diligence, the Lord said unto me:  I will grant unto thee according to thy desires, because of thy faith.  Enos 1:12

A farm around the corner from our home.
We all want our prayers answered or else we wouldn't be saying them, right?  When I read the scripture above in my morning study, I realized that those with the most effective answers seem to put a lot of effort not just into the praying part of it, but going out and doing something to help the answers come.  Enos said he "labored with all diligence."  I think what he was laboring at was preaching the gospel.  He was concerned about others around him and he wanted them all to be saved.  First he prayed, but then he labored in keeping his faith alive (through prayer and scripture study) and serving others.  Heavenly Father told him he would give him what he wanted because of his faith.  There is that action word--faith.  Faith does not just abide.  We exercise our faith by doing righteous things, always striving to keep the commandments of God.

The owners of this farm above, have always had to work hard every day of the year.  A farm demands constant attention.  Everyone knows a farmer has one of the most difficult and demanding jobs around.  They know they have to do something to produce yields in their fields, herds and flocks.  The do their part and rely on nature to produce the desired results.  Sometimes nature does not cooperate.  Most farmers don't quit when things don't turn out like they expected.  They continue on in faith with the hope that things will be better the next time.  There's failure in farming, but there is success as well.  To every thing there is a season. 

Yes, just like with farming, life has its ups and downs.  We sometimes meet with failure and cannot see that our prayers are being answered. Rest assured, prayers are always answered.

The following are some ways prayers are answered and some of the roadblocking to receiving answers to prayer:

1.  "Yes" or "No"  

(scripture reference:  "But, behold, I say unto you that you must study it out in your mind; then you must ask me if it be right, and if it is right I will cause that your bosom shall burn within you; therefore, you shall feel that it is right.  But if it be not right you shall have no such feelings, but you shall have a stupor . . ."  D&C 9:8-9)

2.  The answer can be seen in the result

3.  The answer is already in the scriptures--it has not changed

4.  I already gave you the answer (don't keep asking)

5.  You need to spend more time pondering an answer to present to me

6.  You need to better prepare for the answer  (ponder)

7.  There are things you must learn first

8.  Your intellect or understanding increases

9.  There are some things you must learn for yourself

10.  You asked for the wrong thing

11.  You don't need my counsel on this matter 

12.  Not important to know--focus on other things

13.  You were not sincere in your prayer or cared enough to pray with real intent

(scripture reference)  "And likewise also is it counted evil unto a man, if he shall pray and not with real intent of heart; yea, and it profiteth him nothing, for God receiveth none such."  Moroni 7:9

14.  The Spirit cannot break through your hardness of heart

15.  You did not listen

16.  You need to find a quieter place to hear the answer
Grain used to be kept in here

Whatever the season, let us be caught being diligent in our prayers of faith.

Evergreen Ranch barn.  One of the farmers who worked this farm died recently.  It is a sad tale.  He used to drive his tractor all day without stopping to get a drink of water.  Eventually, he experienced kidney failure.  In life, we can be wise in how we work.  Strike a balance for temporal and spiritual things.  Replenish ourselves in both areas to stay healthy.
Someone put in a lot of work to lay up hay for the animals for the winter
Isn't the barn wood beautiful?

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