Sunday, November 6, 2011

Trials and Blessings - Sabbath Reflection

Coming out at the mouth of Ogden Canyon yesterday, I noticed Ogden got a heavier snow fall than Ogden Valley.
Even though these trees are laden with an extra burden right now, and some branches may break,  they will  survive to stand straight again as they patiently wait for warmth to melt the weight away.  THEN, they can get busy and lose their leaves so the next onslaught of snow won't be a threat.
This is part of an email a friend sent this week:  "I had an interesting insight today into Paul's statement in Hebrews 12:1, Wherefore brethren, seeing we are encompassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.  (underlined for emphasis)

This insightful friend sends many inspired reflections through emails.  Most of the discussions are about specific challenges and trials of an extremely difficult nature.  It is cause for celebration when my friend succeeds, even to a small degree, to conquer elements of  "the race" that requires so much inner strength, faith, energy, perseverance, and diligence.  Failures to "run" as well as desired are acknowledged, but there is no giving up or giving in.  That is why I pray so hard for my friend's ultimate success in that personal race.  That is why we pray for one another, isn't it?  We are cheering each other on.  What a  blessing to have others in our lives who will root for us as we strive and nudge us to get up when we fall. 

Our lesson in Relief Society today was also about the difficulties we often face in our lives and there was a lively discussion amongst the sisters about how they face their trials, where they receive strength, and the different ways people cope.  It is clear that we don't run the "race that is set before us" very well alone.  We need to let people in when we suffer. "Thee lift me, and I'll lift thee, and we'll ascend together" (Quaker proverb), is a beautifully condensed version of Christ's great commandment to love our neighbor. 

Yes, each of us CAN take one step in our personal race and be patient as we struggle up the hill of life, reaching for a hand when we need it.  Remember to always seek the help from God each day through prayer, then be watchful for who he puts in our path to answer our prayers.

See?  Some of the trees are doing better already under their extra burden.

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